About us


Pastor Elan Ashby



Faith is the cornerstone of our church. It is part of every activity that we do, every meeting that we hold. We believe in our Lord, and that our actions are a reflection of his goodness. 


We look to the Lord for guidance in our lives. In Scripture, we find all that we need to guide us in the right path. Reading and understand Scripture helps us all live meaningful lives. 


Join us. We welcome each and every one of you to encounter the Lord's unconditional love with us. Inside each of us is a purpose and meaning to be fulfilled by God. 

Youth Group

Youth is a unique period of life, one filled with exploration, discovery, excitement and fulfillment. The Church Youth Group provides a nurturing, loving environment for young people exploring the world. It is a safe place where faith guides exploration and self-discovery. 


Children's Ministry

Sunday School is held from September till May of the following year. We meet at 9:00 AM for pancakes in the fellowship hall. Sunday school continues at 9:15 AM each Sunday for Pre-School through High School aged children. Typically, Sunday School sings the second Sunday of the month.  For more specific updates about Scandia Sunday School, please search Scandia Lutheran Sunday School Teachers/Parents to find the group on Facebook.

We would love to have you join us!



Our Confirmation Students meet each Wednesday after school from 6:30 - 7:30 PM during the school year. Student's are encouraged to begin the 2 year confirmation program when they are in 7th Grade.

At the beginning of the year the student's receive a Prayer Partner. The Prayer Partner is a member from the congregation that would like to pray for the Confirmation Student.

Each Confirmation Student is required to complete 15 Sermon Outlines during each year and also Acolyte during Worship Service. Sermon Notes form is attached below.

Students are also required to memorize the 10 commandments and their meanings as well as the Lord's Prayer and the Apostles Creed.  

Sermon Notes

Vacation Bible School

Each year, Scandia holds Vacation Bible School for all who wish to come. VBS is August 6th-8th. Family meal at 5:30 pm. VBS will run from 6-8 pm. Program will be on August 8th at 8pm. Free for all kids but you have to register by July 1st. You will need Insurance #, Dr. & Dentist name & phone number. Emergency contact & number.  Please fill out form below.  Any problems or questions call the office & I can help you. Volunteers needed finished 8th grade to 100 yr!!

VBS Form

Adult Sunday School

Led by Brent Ashby

All adults are welcome to come join us dive into the word of God. We meet at 9:15 am in the conference room of the fellowship hall every other Sunday.


Mens Bible Study

Most Saturday mornings at 8:00 am, Scandia men are invited to join in breakfast, bible study, and Christian fellowship. For more information, contact Chuck Oster at 563-3222.

Call Now

Adult Choir

Scandia's Adult Choir meets every other Sunday opposite of Adult Sunday School. Adult Choir attempts to sing once a month. Come and share a joyful noise led by Kyla Knutson.

Youth Group Singers

Members of Scandia Youth Group occasionally grace us with their beautiful gifts of music during Sunday service. Anyone who enjoys singing is welcome to come. "I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing the praises of your name, O Most High." Psalm 9:2 New Paragraph


Roxanne Evans, Betty Rist, Diane Rist, Elaine Ostrem


Monday- Friday

9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Sunday Mornings

The library is located on the south end of the Fellowship hall and some children's books at the back of the Church. There is resource room in the Fellowship Hall with Teaching aids, devotions and Bible helps. We have several Devotional books that can be used for Bridal Shower devotions in this area. There are also books that have a lot of ideas for Sunday School or Bible School devotions, crafts or projects.


In the main library there is an adult section, a youth or teen section, a childrens section and a toddler section with small hard cover books for the little readers. Books are checked out on the honor system.


We also have a video section with VCR and DVD's for adults and children. 

There are cassette tapes in this area that include the complete Bible on tape.


We have a Children's Summer Reading Program each year. 

Any child that reads or watches the required number of books, tapes or DVD's is rewarded in the Fall with a certificate and a monetary gift. The WELCA furnishes the monetary gift.


The books are purchased with generous memorials. We also have books (in excellent condition) donated by members of the congregation when they are finished with them. We also receive free books with Crossroads receipts. So please turn in your receipts to one of the Librarians!


The Stewardship Committee puts on several different events throughout the year including sponsoring Barnyard animals during Lent, Ice Cream Social last week of June, & Harvest Festival during the first week of November. 

They also organize different kits throughout the year to help various people such as sewing Kits, Baby Kits, Personal Hygiene Kits, & School Kits. Additionally, this year they sponsored World Hunger envelopes.

They would like to extend a special thank you to the Thrivent Committee for helping support their events as well. 

Total Stop Gift Certificates

are available at the grocery store or at the church office., Remember, Scandia gets 5% on all money spent on this project., Certificates are $25 and each time you use them your amount is subtracted., These certificates are so convenient and they also may a very thoughtful gift., This is a wonderful way to contribute to your church without spending any extra $$., Just think what we could do if every family participated.


As a community of women created in the image of God called to discipleship in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit we commit ourselves to grown in Faith, affirm our Gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the Church, the Society and in the World.



Church Leaders and Committees

Pastor Elan Ashby

(507) 828 - 9514

Office Administrator

Sherrie Knutson (605)530-7910

Church Council President

Courtney Blake (605) 212 - 3446

Head Usher

Allen Skotvold (605) 359-9793

Prayer Chain

Sherrie Knudson (605)530-7910

Men's Bible Study

Chuck Oster (605) 563 - 3222

Christian Fellowship

Char Adamson, Katie Knudson, Jan Stevens, Char Adamson, & Joyce Vasgaard

Christian Education

Maggie Stevens, Kristen Birgen, Kim Boden & Janna Mark

Mission & Outreach

Kim Eide, Jen Knudson, LeAnn Knudson & Courtney Knudson


Judy Hansen, Sherrie Knudson, Sharon Moore, Kathleen Blake, Kim Preheim, & Ruth Stevens

Worship & Music

Vonni Knutson, Kathy Anderson, Colleen Buckneberg, Deb Dierks, Kyla Knutson, Courtney Blake, Pam Lunning & Connie Petersen


Troy Knudson, Cory Simonsen, Mike Moore, Todd Austin, Brad Preheim, Cheryl Drew, Matt Bendert, & Kory Muller


Daniel Knutson, Matt Bendert, & Greg Birgen


Lori Hecht, Jen Knudson, & Kathleen Blake


Beth Simonsen, Rev Carroll Marohl, & Janna Mark


Jill Poppenga, Kathleen Blake, Courtney Blake, Dan &Roxanne Evans, Deb Dierks, Roger & Judy Hansen, Lee & Dianne Rist, & Jean Lounsberry

Altar Guild

Char Adamson, Kathy Anderson, Deb Bertrand, Kathleen Blake, Kim Eide, Roxanne Evans, Judy Hansen, Jeannie Hoagland, Jen Knudson, Sherrie Knudson, Jane Knutson, Vonni Knutson, Cheryl Oster, Glenda Weise

Fill-Ins: Dorothy Overgaard, Susan Royle, & Cheryl Stevens,

Church Council

President- Courtney Blake

Vice- President- Kim Boden

Secretary- Char Adamson

Financial Secretary- Pam Lunning

Treasurer- Kim Preheim

Deacon- Matt Bendert

Deacon- Janna Mark

Deacon-Beth Simonsen

Deacon- Daniel Knutson

Trustee- Kory Muller

Trustee- Carroll Marohl

Trustee- Courtney Knudson

Trustee- Ruth Stevens

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